西雅图 University’s aspiration to lead on sustainability 和 environmental justice was reinforced by 的 “Reigniting Our Strategic Directions (2022-2027)” foundational goal to institutional participation in Pope Francis’ Seven-year Journey toward Integral Ecology 通过 Laudato Si' Action Platform (LSAP), putting concrete action behind 的 goals outlined by 的 Pope in his 2015 Encyclical. 西雅图 University also uses 的 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 和 STARS reporting tool as frameworks for measuring progress 和 identifying 的 university's contributions towards taking action for people, planet 和 prosperity. For quick "facts 和 figures" about 西雅图U's sustainability practices, please view 的 SUstainability Infographics page.
西雅图 University’s Definition of Sustainability (2023):
We define sustainability as meeting 的 needs of present 和 future generations through actions that support human 和 ecological health, social justice, 和 economic well-being.
西雅图 University’s LSAP Vision (2023):
At 西雅图 University, we are committed to an ecological conversion that opens minds 和 hearts to 的 sacred task of caring for our common home. This commitment is rooted in ethical responsibility 和 solidarity between all peoples 和 future generations. We envision sustainability in 的 holistic spirit of integral ecology 和 will adopt institutional practices that are socially just, support human 和 ecological health 和 promote economic well-being